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Poster Design Contest Using Artificial Intelligence  for the Charity Festival
“Por Girasoles” (For Sunflowers)

Feria de Abril


The Gala "Por Girasoles" will take place on the 22nd of April 2023 at the Elias Ahúja Theatre in Madrid. This charity event is organized by the association of sarcoma patients (APSATUR).  The event will consist of a festival set in the "Feria de Abril" and will feature the participation of the Arabesquees flamenco school. This festival will be a tribute to Izarbe Gil and intends to give continuity to her initiative “Girasoles para Izarbe”.



The objective of this competition is the design of the poster that will be used to promote the festival. The poster must reflect the themes of the event, in particular sunflowers and flamenco. For its realization, Artificial Intelligence tools (DALL-E2 and similar) must be used to generate images that can later be edited and combined to shape the poster. The delivery will consist of an image of the poster in PDF format as well as up to four images generated with artificial intelligence tools used in the poster, detailing for each of them the artificial intelligence tool used and the input text



The deadline for submission of the posters is March 12, 2023 at 23:59 GMT+01:00
- 1st prize 400 euros and publication of the poster to promote the gala.
- 2nd prize 100 euros..
- 3 prizes from the jury consisting of two tickets for the drive-in Madrid.
In addition, a certificate of participation will be given to the ten best classified.


Captura de pantalla 2023-01-17 180823.jpg

Izarbe Gil

Izarbe, a young woman who sadly left us in May 2021 at the early age of twenty, suffered from Ewing's sarcoma for more than four years.
By her own initiative and in order to give  much needed visibility to this rare disease called Ewing's sarcoma, in 2020 she began a campaign on social network called #GirasolesParaIzarbe.


Ewing's sarcoma

Ewing's sarcoma is a cancer that affects children and adolescents in a particularly cruel way as it is related to the growth process. It is the most common bone cancer in this age group and affects bones or organs in any part of the body. It is an aggressive and invasive tumor that can be accompanied by metastasis and is extremely painful, as happened in the case of Izarbe.

Support research

Although it may seem incredible, the general lack of knowledge, even by a large part of the medical community, delays the diagnosis of this disease with the tremendous consequences that this entails. In addition, the treatments used to combat the disease are very scarce and antiquated. Izarbe, with the funds obtained through her campaign, succeeded in creating a research grant that bears her name.

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